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Congress Attachment and Trauma 2015
Personality Development and Psychotherapy

Dear colleagues,
we are pleased and proud to invite you to participate at a historic event that, according to what many people in the world say, is helping to change the European landscape of Psychotherapy.
Eleven international Experts will meet in Rome to confront their own knowledge and define the crucial aspects of personality development related to attachment bonds and traumatic experience as well as to outline the more effective psychotherapeutic interventions. We will then have the chance to know how to help those who developed personality pathology following complex and simple trauma. Eleven presentations and three round tables with much room for discussion. Furthermore, for the first time it will be awarded a prize to the world’s best young investigator in the field of Attachment, Trauma and Personality Disorders. To make your participation at the Congress a really unique one, on Saturday there will be the dinner gala and a concert with a famous artist, all in the evocative setting of the Teatro Brancaccio, in the heart of Rome.
When: 25-26-27 September 2015
Language: English
Location:  Teatro Brancaccio, Via Merulana 244, 00185 Rome
  • 420,00 euro; it is posible pay in two payments of 210,00 euro (1° payment at the registration and 2° payment within 31 of August)
  • 250,00 euro for who attended the Congress Attachment and Trauma of 2014
  • 250,00 euro for university students
  • Discount of 100 euro if pay in one payment within 28 of February
Discounts can not be combined
Registration: online on web site
Arnoud Arntz, Netherlands: Schema Therapy as a tratment for trauma and insecure attachment related personality disorders: state of the art in treatment methods and research findings.
Giancarlo Dimaggio, Italy: Metacognitive interpersonal therapy for personality disorders and history of neglect.
Stephan Doering, Austria: Transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP).
Peter Fonagy, Unite Kingdom: The role of attachment epistemic trust and resilience in personality disorder; a transtheortical reformulation.
Russell Meares, Australia: The conversational model in the treatment of relational traumata.
Pat Ogden, United States: Movement sequences and personality development: a psychology of action.
Eckard Roediger, Germany: Healing relationships: Schema Therapy for couples.
Allan Schore, United States: The right brain is cominant in psychotherapy.
Daniel Siegel, United States: Personality: temperament, attachment and the development of the mind.
Kathy Steele, United States: From resistance to realization: integrative psychotherapy approaches with challenging trauma patients.
Edward Tronick, United States: Multilevel meaning making, relational regulation adn stress.
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